In class a little while ago, we learned about the Fibonacci sequence and the Golden ratio. Over seven hundred years ago a Italian mathematician, Fibonacci created the very famous Fibonacci sequence. The numbers 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89 and so and so forth is his pattern. As you can see, to create the next number you take the sum of the two numbers before it. This sequence hadn't been named until the 19th century when a French mathematician, Édouard Lucas named it. After studying the Fibonacci sequence, he began to relize that any any pair of consecutive numbers is closer to the golden ratio-1.618. . .). Also as the numbers gets higher, the closer it is to the golden ratio. In the image shown below, Fibonni's sequence even comes across nature. Fibonacci's sequence is very important and is found everywhere.
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