The environment is everything for the living thing and nonliving things i the world. A environment is all the living and nonliving things where organisms interact. Food, shelter, as well as other resources allow the species to live. Different animals need different environments to live in unlike us humans, who adapt our environments to us. For example, a penguin would be unable to survive in a rain forest due to all the different aspects and resources it has. A penguin can only live in environment such as Antarctica. The ecosystem is all the living and nonliving things that interact with one another in a given area. Ecosystems can vary in size from a pond to an ocean. If one ecosystems is damaged, many others ecosystems are affected because they all connect with one another. Within an ecosystem are communities, the living part of ecosystems. A group of lions living in a plain describes a population. To put into other words, a group of organisms that are the same species and type living together in the same area. Populations all have different habitats. Habitats is where the organisms lives. Our habitat would be our homes such as a squirrel's habitat would be a tree. Wherever you go, ten thousand feet under the water, or high in the sky, there will always be ecosystems where organisms live.
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12 years ago
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