“October Sky”, an eye-opening movie depicts a group of boys striding for their dreams who successfully reach their goals by determination and perseverance. Homer Hickam, the main character must violate his father’s orders and listen to his heart. Homer was determined to create a rocket that had a triumphant flight into the sky. Two main aspects intrigued Homer to go forth and fulfill his dream. One included the Russian’s Sputnik, the first Earth satellite launched into space and the other was Ms. Riley’s encouragement. Ms. Riley was the one teacher who always kept faith in Homer knowing how much potential had. An average family in Coalwood, West Virginia at this time would expect their sons to go work in the Coal mines after education. Homer was positive he did not want to spend the rest of his life in a coalmine. As most know, coalmines are very risky and hazardous to one’s health. Once you are on the shaft and heading down there is no guarantee whether or not you will come back up. The noxious fumes inhaled can cause serious illnesses. Soon enough the lungs will no longer be able to sustain the fumes and possibly give out. Lung Cancer is another precaution to worry of when going into the mines. After a tremendous amount of work and effort put in, Homer and his friends finally created a rocket that flew remarkably. They concluded the rocket needed alcohol as fuel to fly the distance of their choice. However, Homer did bump into obstacles during the way. He had to learn many formulas and improve on his math skills to know what he was doing. Also, he was accused of setting the fire that occurred on the mines property. Homer proved that he was innocent by using his calculations to give an approximate of where the rocket really landed and where the fire was. Following the successful rocket launch the boys had a possibility to compete in the science fair for a chance to get a college scholarship. Homer was sent to the national science fair where he won first place. Character Education Traits were also displayed and in some cases not displayed in the movie. Cooperation was a trait seen. For example, Homer had to cooperate with Quentin even though it meant ruining his social status, but he did not care because he wanted to achieve his goal. Homer’ father on the other hand did not show respect toward Homer’s interest. While in the process of creating the rocket, Homer’s father threw his supplies outside and did not want Homer to get involved in all of this. This movie also showed assertion when everyone did what they could to support the Rocket Boys. They wanted to show their enthusiasm and encouragement for Homer and his friends. Homer’s friends showed empathy for him when he had to go work in the mines for some time. They knew it’s not something a seventeen-year-old would enjoy doing, but they had Homer’s back. Homer had self-control when his classmates made fun of him. He did not do anything except let the comment pass. All in all, “October Sky” was an inspirational movie saying hard work will always come through. Determination goes a long way and surely paid off for Homer Hickam who now is a retired NASA engineer and an author.
Meme Creator
12 years ago
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